Chiller systems are essential for your building’s efficient operation. Proper design, installation, maintenance, and optimization are of paramount importance.
Here is some practical advice about managing your chillers.
A chiller can generally be classified as being a refrigeration system whose role is to chill a liquid. When water is cooled, it can be used for a variety of applications, including enhancing user comfort and optimizing industrial processes.
There are different ways to improve a chiller’s efficiency and therefore reduce its operating costs:
Located in Montréal and Québec City, BAULNE offers a wide range of HVAC services for many different business sectors. BAULNE offers HVAC services for industrial, commercial, office, residential and institutional applications.
Thanks to our portfolio of quality clients as well as our team of engineers and technicians that have proven expertise in HVAC, BAULNE is one of the only Québec-based companies that offers 360-degree services, including building maintenance, design-build and optimization.
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