8 Energy Efficiency Strategies for Your Buildings

8 Energy Efficiency Strategies for Your Buildings

Where do we stand with energy efficiency in buildings?

According to a report published on January 9 by the UN, the protective barrier of the ozone layer should be fully restored within 40 years. Several initiatives had to be put in place to reach this conclusion. We know it, the media tell us, it’s the collective effort that makes the difference. As experts in building mechanics, our responsibility is even greater and our impact more significant.

We cited it in our article, Impact de l’inefficacité énergétique: According to a study by the International Energy Agency, 36% of the world’s total energy consumption is used to power buildings.

One of the initiatives we have been following closely is the elimination of HCFC and HFC gases in air conditioners and refrigerators, with a transition to more energy-responsible alternatives. This initiative was born in 2016 in Europe under the name of the Montreal Protocol.

According to the UN, thanks to the Montreal Protocol, “it is estimated that without this protocol, plants and soils would have absorbed between 325 and 690 billion tons less carbon by the end of this century, which would have led to an additional warming of the average temperature of the planet by 0.5 to 1 degree!”

There you go! Action, reaction, solutions!

However our work doesn’t stop there! Many other strategies must be put in place to continue this promising momentum.

Our energy efficiency experts offer 8 other strategies to help you with the energy efficiency of your building:

8 Energy Efficiency Solutions for Your Buildings

  1. Installing heat pumps and switching to low temperatures: Adopting central heat pumps for space heating and/or domestic hot water production allows energy to be captured from the outside environment, while using only a fraction of the electrical energy needed.
  2. Waste heat recovery: Reuse the heat produced or exhausted to heat air or water. It is like recycling your energy!
  3. Adapt consumption to needs: Install variable speed drives, combined with sensors and occupancy schedules to provide exactly what occupants need, no more, no less.
  4. Boiler room modernization: Opt for a hybrid system combining electric and condensing boilers. Performance and savings guaranteed!
  5. Ventilation optimization: Proper cleaning and fine-tuning of your ventilation system can do wonders for your comfort and bills.
  6. Smart buildings: Use data analytics tools to understand and optimize your energy use.
  7. Automated control: Make your systems work in harmony with building automation. It is simple and effective!
  8. Improved lighting: Switch to smart LEDs: better brightness, more comfort and substantial savings.


These are just a few examples of the many solutions available.

The energy diagnosis of your building is a proven method to provide you with a realistic energy efficiency plan, sometimes even subsidized.

Want to learn more? Consult with our team today.