What Does Boma Best Certification Mean For Your Building?

Developers, builders and managers of commercial and industrial buildings today face many challenges in their search for environmentally sustainable solutions. Indeed, beyond a building’s simple functionality, architecture or comfort, its ecological impact and sustainability must be taken into consideration to protect the future of generations to come.

Energy Efficiency For Your Building: 4 Strategic Approaches

Infographic énergie

When it comes to building energy efficiency, the quality of the maintenance of your HVAC equipment has a major impact on your profitability. So don’t neglect to perform regular maintenance. Check the operation of your temperature sensors. Clean the coils in your systems. Perform the maintenance recommended by your equipment manufacturer.

January 1, 2018: Ban On Air Conditioners Using Drinking Water

Icon d'eau potable

As of January 1, 2018, industrial and commercial air-conditioning units using city water will be strictly prohibited in Montreal. If your building uses such equipment, you’ll need to replace it before this deadline, or expose your business to penalties.

3 Affordable Solutions To Improve The Energy Efficiency Of Your Hvac System

Unité de toiture CVAC

Have you developed, with the help of building mechanics experts, a solid strategy to optimize the energy efficiency of your HVAC system? If your current equipment is indeed wasting significant amounts of energy, you should know that there are more affordable alternatives than revamping your entire mechanical room.

Preventive Maintenance For Your Air-conditioning Systems: A Must

The various building systems are the foundation of any building. Without lighting, water, heating or air-conditioning, a building would be virtually uninhabitable. That’s why a preventive maintenance program for your air-conditioning systems is not an option, but a real necessity.

Best Practices For Meeting Ashrae Comfort Standards


Workplace discomfort due to ambient temperature is a constant preoccupation for building managers and the CNESST (formerly CSST), who are keen to ensure optimum working conditions for workers in all seasons.